On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 04:01:55PM +0200, Dennis Filder wrote:
> > Please test the attached .deb file. I did not change the version number,
> > to make it possible to install only libqt5core5a and not the whole qtbase
> > stack.
> Thanks.  That indeed brings the behaviour close enough to how it was
> before that I would consider it a fix for this bug.  Since the
> remaining patch still changes the MIME type decision logic the
> behaviour is still somewhat different though.  However, it becomes
> difficult for me to tell how different because remembering the exact
> details of the previous (5.15.2+dfsg-5) behaviour is not easy as it
> never quite worked consistently either.

Thank you for testing!

As it is better than the -6 and -7 versions in archive, I am going to
upload this fix to unstable and ask the release team for an unblock.

Lisandro, do you agree with that plan?

> For example now with the glob pattern "*.*" added to "all/allfiles" a
> C source code file "test.c" in Dolphin's list view is listed as being
> of type "all files" and also all operations defined for "all/allfiles"
> are listed in the context menu, but after selecting "Properties" in
> Dolphin's context menu its "Contents" field shows "C source code"
> (presumably because Dolphin uses magic-based fingerprinting).  All
> this despite the file /usr/share/mime/text/x-csrc.xml defining the
> MIME type "text/x-csrc" with the glob pattern "*.c".  I think it has
> to do with how user-defined MIME type definitions from
> ~/.local/share/mime are merged into the set of system-defined ones.
> Since KDE System Settings does not allow you to specify a weight value
> for your glob patterns (and most under /usr/share/mime/* don't specify
> it either) the merging does not actually always yield sensible results
> as almost all glob patterns end up having the default weight of 50.
> And it also leads to behaviour that is difficult to reproduce across
> setups.
> I just wished the KDE devs would actually try a little harder to make
> all this MIME type handling more consistent (and easier to
> investigate) and to make the MIME types "all/all" and "all/allfiles"
> behave as you would expect.  But I guess that belongs in a separate
> bug report.

Thanks for the very detailed explanation, but it will be much better if
you send all these details to upstream Qt or KDE bugtrackers (and also
mention the regression caused by the patch). We are just packagers, and
I am really not an expert in mimetypes and the relevant code.

If you do it, please let me know the bug URL, I will keep an eye on it
and backport any fixes when/if they become available.

Dmitry Shachnev

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