Package: installation-reports Severity: normal (Please provide enough information to help the Debian maintainers evaluate the report efficiently - e.g., by filling in the sections below.)
Boot method: USB Image version: Date: <Date and time of the install> Machine: Lenovo X240 Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred> Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot: [x] Detect network card: [x] Configure network: [x] Detect media: [x] Load installer modules: [x] Clock/timezone setup: [x] User/password setup: [x] Detect hard drives: [x] Partition hard drives: [x] Install base system: [x] Install tasks: [x] Install boot loader: [x] Overall install: [x] Comments/Problems: I decided for the LXDE task (and unselected Gnome). This ends up with no network management on the rebootet system. My solution was wo plug-in the installation USB stick and install network-manager (+ network-manager-gnome) and all its dependencies manually. This problem is not only valid for this box. I have installed three laptops in a row and its always the same. My suggestion is to simply add network-manager to the LXDE task. Please make sure that any installation logs that you think would be useful are attached to this report. Please compress large files using gzip. -- Package-specific info: