Le 2021-05-10 11:23, Pierre Gruet a écrit :
Version 1.7.30-1 of libslf4j does not declare liblog4j1.2-java as a
it is only declared within the "Suggests:" field in debian/control.
Yet the classes of liblog4j1.2-java are needed by many classes in
slf4j-migrator.jar, slf4j-log4j12.jar, log4j-over-slf4j.jar.
log4j:log4j is
also a declared dependency with scope runtime in slf4j-log4j12/pom.xml.
For this reason, other projects depending on the artifact slf4j-log4j12
fail to
resolve log4j:log4j:1.2.x.
The dependency on log4j is only suggested because it's optional. The
solution I think it to move slf4j-log4j12 into its own
package with a hard dependency on liblog4j1.2-java.
Emmanuel Bourg