On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 08:34:58AM +0000, Gordon Ball wrote:
> I started a branch for lintian-brush here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/chronitis/lintian-brush/-/tree/github-archive-url
> (using a nonexistant lintian tag, so having a real one would definitely
> be a first step).
> However, it turned out to be a bit more complex than I first thought (or
> hoped):
> * Lots of unrelated test cases get broken (since it rewrites their watch
>   files)
> * Lots of different ways of spelling the match pattern - amongst my
>   there were at least three (and subvariants of each)
>     - .*/archive/v([0-9.]+)    # now matches nothing
>     - .*/archive/(.+)          # now matches refs/tags/x.y.z
>     - .*/archive/@ANY_VERSION@ # now matches nothing
>   and the discussion on IRC suggested other cases too (adding a wildcard
>   for the new /refs/tags/ part, just matching @any_vers...@.tar.gz, etc.
> * Unpreservable formatting in several of the test cases I was using
>   (continuation lines in comments?)
> * What new pattern to actually write? The initial idea was just to
>   literally replace /archive/ with /archive/refs/tags/, which _should_
>   meet the idea of being conservative about what to fix (but might still
>   collide with hand-written fixes for this issue like ./archive/.*/v...
> I _think_ a good indicator for lintian (and a fixer) would be if the
> matching expression contains "archive" followed by no wildcard pattern
> before the capturing group for the version.
Thanks! I've merged your branch with some additional changes:

* reformatted the watch files in the examples to use a format that
  debian/watch can preserve
* changed the logic to follow your last suggestion

Ideally the other ways of formatting debian/watch would be handled
too, but that's something that is a work in progress and needs to be
fixed in debmutate.watch.


Jelmer Vernooij <jel...@jelmer.uk>
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