> I tried your suggestion, but didn't get very far: > $ psql gavo > psql: error: FATAL: role "jrv" does not exist > > Let me know if there's something else you want to cross-check.
This one is easy to fix: postgres wants to know who it talks to, and it doesn't know you. The easiest fix is to become the user dachsroot, which is recommended for DaCHS operations anyway. An alternative that would generally work in other situations on Debian: sudo -u postgres psql gavo But this bug report made actually try running DaCHS on unstable, and while I cannot reproduce the installation failure, that made me realise some additional adaptations to unstable are necessary. What is already making me nervous at a second glance: There's postgresql-11-pgsphere, but on bullseye postgres will be postgres 13. I'd hence suspect that the postgres DaCHS is talking to is not the one that has pgsphere. So, what would sudo -u postgres psql gavo -c "select version()" say? -- Markus