I've been a happy user of dispcalgui for years. I just rebooted my machine
(Debian testing, uptime > 140 days) and went to recalibrate, only to find
that displaycal had disappeared.
Looking at this thread upstream ( https://hub.displaycal.net/issue/17813/ )
it appears that the ETA for a port to Python3 is somewhere between 1/1/2020
and "when it's done".

As far as I am aware, displaycal is the premier display calibration gui for
linux. It works and works well. How can we help upstream bring it into
alignment with Debian requirements? Is a beta python3 port available for
community contributions/testing/debugging? Will donations help free up
upstream-maintainer's time to finish the port?

In the interim -- are there any workarounds for both generating new monitor
profiles and installing them?  Is calibration straightforward for a Spyder
5 via ArgyllCMS and the command line? A quick survey suggests I have a
bunch of unexpected learning to do.



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