Control: found -1 2.66.4-3
Control: notfound -1 2.66.4-1
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Sat, 30 Jan 2021 at 15:04:44 -0500, Charles Malaheenee wrote:
> After the recent update of libglib2.0 to 2.66.4-3, gnome-keyring is not able 
> to
> unlock "Login" keyring. For example, it does not allow to unlock saved ssh 
> keys
> automatically; ssh/ssh-agent starts to ask for a password in CLI instead of
> fancy popup window.

I suspect I know what change triggered this: it'll be the security hardening
imported from the upstream glib-2-66 branch in 2.66.4-2. However, I couldn't
reproduce this failure to unlock in a test VM.

Obviously I'm reluctant to revert security hardening, but if it makes
gnome-keyring regress then we might have to. However, I'd want to make the
minimum possible change to fix this, and it's difficult to do that when I
can't test the result.

Is your gnome-keyring-daemon setuid, or setcap, or neither? To find out,
please send the output of these commands:

    ls -l /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon
    getcap /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon

Also, what messages appear in the system log (systemd journal) when you
log in? I would expect to see at least some messages from gnome-keyring.


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