Package: chromium Version: 88.0.4324.96-0.1 X-Debbugs-CC: Olivier Tilloy <> X-Debbugs-CC: mimi89999 <>
The changes for ticket #960454 removed the autoupdater for widevine. And then mentions in the README.debian that /usr/lib/chromium/WidevineCdm/ is the place to put the widevine binaries. But this is not working anymore with this chromium version (but worked with older versions from May 2020). Also the patch to load it from $HOME/.local/lib/ doesn't have any effect at all anymore. The only file queried for widevine is now $HOME/.config/chromium/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm And this definitely makes sense because Debian builds it without BUNDLE_WIDEVINE_CDM and so the code (AddContentDecryptionModules's bundled_widevine, ...) is completely disabled - thus disabling $HOME/.local/lib/ and /usr/lib/chromium/WidevineCdm/