Control: tags -1 +pending

The Wanderer <> writes:

> On 2020-12-23 at 02:08, Arto Jantunen wrote:
>> The Wanderer <> writes:
>>> I've decided it's worth the effort to become the new upstream for
>>> this, and confirmed with the original author that he has no
>>> objections, as he is no longer spending any time maintaining it.
>>> Version 1.5.7, based on Python 3 rather than Python 2, is now
>>> available from:
>>> Please consider packaging this version, if possible in time to meet
>>> the release freeze.
>>> Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help move this 
>>> forward.
>> You've done the big part of the work already. I'll try to take care
>> of updating the package as soon as I can, but due to commitments
>> related to the holiday season that will probably take a week or so.
>> That should still give us barely enough time before the freeze.
> I am *very* glad to hear that. After sending the above, I discovered
> that the package had in fact already been removed from both testing and
> unstable; I was starting to be concerned that it might need a full RFP /
> ITP / RFS / trip-through-NEW / etc. cycle, which could be more of a
> problem and more time-consuming than I'd prefer to engage with at this
> stage.
> While obviously making the release freeze would be preferable, don't
> worry too much if you can't make that time-frame on your end; I'd still
> be happier with the package available in sid (or even experimental) than
> with it dropped entirely, even if it doesn't get shipped with the next
> release.
>> Thanks a lot for the work you did here.
> Thank *you* for picking this package back up, even with the upstream
> side already handled!
> My "if there's anything I can do to help" on this still stands, so long
> as I continue to have the time and other capacity to spare.

The package has been uploaded and is in NEW awaiting processing by the
FTP team.

Arto Jantunen

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