Package: installation-reports

Boot method: Network
Image version:

Date: 03.09.2020

Machine: Rockpro64
Processor: rk3399
Memory: 4gb

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [ O]
Detect network card:    [ O]
Configure network:      [O ]
Detect media:           [O ]
Load installer modules: [E ]
Detect hard drives:     [ ]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Clock/timezone setup:   [ ]
User/password setup:    [ ]
Install tasks:          [ ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Overall install:        [ ]

I think the builder scripts uses an older kernel thus the build fails since 
08.09.2020 and is not installable because the installer cannot fetch a 
compatible kernel.
this forum mentioned sending an email here:

point 4

error message: "no kernel modules found. this probably is due to a mismatch 
between the kernel used by this version of the installer and the kernel version 
available in the archive"

thanks you for your time and work, would be nice to see it fixed (again).
Best wishes ratzupaltuff

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