Package: systemctl
Severity: normal


I believe the package name "systemctl" is misleading in several ways:

* Users will think systemctl.deb will contain the normal
  /bin/systemctl and might be tricked into installing this when they
  actually wanted systemd.deb.
* If systemd should decide to split the package into smaller
  components (#959828 indicates that this is at least an option),
  this "systemctl" package is blocking an important bit of their
* The package description currently does not say explicitly that this
  implementation is not part of systemd. If systemctl.deb were to be
  split from systemd.deb it might have some description very close to
  the current one. The only indication that this isn't the case is
  that it's not built from Source: systemd, and the Maintainer is
  different. Readers not familiar with systemd intricacies in Debian
  will not be able to draw this conclusion.

Please consider renaming the binary package. Looking at the source
package name, "systemctl-replacement" is an ideal candidate.

(It is of course ok for the package to ship /bin/systemctl as that's
the point of the replacement. I'm only aiming at the package name.)


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