Hi Boyuan,

Sorry fo the late on the reply. I upate the repoitory and solve the bug.

Now im waiting for a DD upload the binary.



El 7/24/20 a las 4:21 PM, Boyuan Yang escribió:
> Source: mystiq
> Version: 20.03.23-1
> Severity: wishlist
> Dear Debian mystiq package maintainer,
> I believe mystiq is worthwhile to be team-maintained under Debian Multimedia
> Team (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia). You may further read this
> Debian Wiki page on how the Multimedia Team works.
> If you are willing to have this package team-maintained in the multimedia-
> team, you are welcome to put "Debian Multimedia Maintainers <
> debian-multime...@lists.debian.org>" into the maintainer field or the
> uploaders field in your package. There is no need to further move the git
> packaging repo on Salsa GitLab since the current git repo can be made to be
> grant write permission to the multimedia-team members if necessary.
> Thanks,
> Boyuan Yang

  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Pablo Mestre Drake
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