Hi Thorsten!

On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 02:34:01PM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Hi Nicholas,
> >Re-sending this bug update to your debian.org address, because
> >t...@mirbsd.de emitted the following during the last attempt
> yes, this is an issue with Googlemail not honouring internet
> standards; nnnnnn-submitter@b.d.o is a generic fallback in case
> you can’t figure out a different eMail address.

Agreed, googlemail has plenty of issues, but the submitter for this
bug is t...@mirbsd.de (unreachable), while t...@debian.org (reachable).
So it looks to me like this bug fell through the cracks during the
process of changing submitter of your bugs from the former to the
latter.  I could be wrong of course; that's just what it looks like to
me :-)  P.S. This situation is also a good motivation for maintainers
who use self-hosted email to work towards DD: eg, then users who
aren't familiar with advanced BTS use can follow-up on bugs, and reach
the pkg's maintainer, because the debian.org address forwards it.

BTW, why did you use -quiet?  Was that an ideological decision?

> >Would you please test 1.4.2+dfsg-1 currently available in testing and
> >unstable?  I can provide a buster-backport for testing purposes if
> I can do that, but it’ll probably take me some days, first I
> need to find that device… (and something to flash).

Thanks, much appreciated!  I'm guessing that by now your device could
use a TWRP upgrade, so maybe that?

> I use sid, so no backporting needed.

Wonderful :-)

> Thanks!

You're welcome!

> Stéphane, I actually don’t block Googlemail, they’re just too utterly
> stupid to successfully deliver to me (or anyone else using Greylisting
> and not whitelisting their ranges). Same for a few other providers such
> as Hotmail. Some spammers (Yahoo) I do block.

It sounds like your greylist could benefit from SPF Record
updates--either supervised, or automatic, as you prefer.


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