Hi Andreas and all!

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 06:55:08PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I stumbled upon this while trying to fix
> W: pocl-doc: embedded-javascript-library 
> usr/share/doc/pocl-doc/html/_static/language_data.js please use sphinx 
> language_data.js seems to be a false positive as long as
> sphinx^Wthe-correct-sphinx-js-package (libjs-sphinxdoc?) does not provide
> a linkable "master" copy. (And then it should be handled by dh_sphinxdoc.)

I have just uploaded sphinx 2.4.3-5 where this is fixed: libjs-sphinxdoc
ships language_data.js and dh_sphinxdoc gained the ability to symlink it.

However, this is only for English language projects. For example,
developers-reference package (mentioned in the original bug report)
builds versions for 6 languages. For the English version, dh_sphinxdoc
will symlink that file, but for the other 5 packages it will leave that
file intact (and Lintian will false positively complain about it).

Dmitry Shachnev

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