Just wanted to update that my machine updated to chromium/83.0.4103.116-1~deb10u2 and the bug is still present.
At first I thought it was fixed because I was able to run speed tests at testmy.net and speedtest.net without crashing. It will actually run these without crashing now. I then tried a You Tube video and thought it was fixed -- until I went to close out the page tab -- the crash beat me to closing to tab.... Re-opened and tried again -- a little further this time -- but still totally crashes and disappears on You Tube. Another web page I use, is also causing this crash... www.noaa.gov for weather reports. Loading their main page will crash out the browser every time. Both recent version releases. Yet, I can Google -- read raspberry-pi forums -- mostly anything that does not require a lot of data or processing... Prior to these last updates -- the only problems I noted with Chromium were related more to the OS and lack of proper video acceleration and other type OS problems. We need a major regression on the package until the bug is properly found/squashed and properly tested. Thanks Rob