On 26/05, Lev Lamberov wrote:
> Would be nice if you could work together on preparing picom for Debian.
> I propose Nikos to look at your current work and base on it. Then,
> please, let me know when you think it's ready, and I'll take a look.
> Please, keep me posted.

That reached me a bit too late sadly, I've already used compton as a base to get
a workable picom package. What remains now is the copyright file. The complexity
here comes from the random spread of the 2 licenses. Some files are MIT from the
compton authors, and others are MPL which is the license upstream uses now.

Upstream uses 'SPDX-License-Identifier: [MPL-2.0 | MIT]' to specify the license
for each file, sadly however licensecheck doesn't appear to recognize it.

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