Control: retitle -1 neomutt frequently and randomly fails to open IMAP mailboxes
Control: importance -1 important

I am unable to find the exact deciding factors behind neomutt's failure
to open certain IMAP folders. I am able to open most top level folders
without issue. Any IMAP mailbox that is a subfolder or that has
subfolders seems to be problematic.

Debian.neomutt is an example problematic folder. When I try to open it, I get
the following sequence of messages.

[08:45:28]<M> Mailbox is unchanged
[08:45:29]<M> Reading imaps://
[08:45:29]<M> Selecting Debian.neomutt...
[08:45:29]<M> Sorting mailbox...
[08:45:29]<E> Mailbox closed
[08:45:29]<M> Looking up
[08:45:30]<M> Connecting to
[08:45:30]<M> SSL/TLS connection using TLS1.2 (ECDHE-RSA/AES-256-GCM/AEAD)
[08:45:31]<M> Logging in...
[08:45:31]<M> New mail in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[08:45:36]<M> Mailbox is unchanged

At this point, the mailbox has been "opened", but I see garbage on my screen
(see the attached screenshot). If I try again, then neomutt manages to open
the mailbox.

[08:45:37]<M> Reading imaps://
[08:45:37]<M> Selecting Debian.neomutt...
[08:45:37]<M> Sorting mailbox...
[08:45:38]<E> Mailbox closed
[08:45:38]<M> Looking up
[08:45:39]<M> Connecting to
[08:45:39]<M> SSL/TLS connection using TLS1.2 (ECDHE-RSA/AES-256-GCM/AEAD)
[08:45:40]<M> Logging in...

I'm bumping the severity to "important" because this renders neomutt
pretty unusable as an IMAP mail client.

|)|/  Ryan Kavanagh      | GPG: 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F
|\|\     |      BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A

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