叹息下!在开源社区,难得有几个中国人主导的 Linux 图形界面的软件。

现在星际译王的上游源代码,还是可以获取的,最近一次更新是9 Dec 2019 。



在 2020/4/16 上午3:58, Boyuan Yang 写道:
> Package: ftp.debian.org
> Severity: normal
> User: ftp.debian....@packages.debian.org
> Usertags: remove
> X-Debbugs-CC: debian-chinese...@lists.debian.org stard...@packages.debian.org
> Dear Debian FTP Masters,
> It seems that package src:stardict became unsupportable given that its
> upstream has been inactive for several years and that it (build-)depends on
> several obsolete tools and libraries, including gnome-doc-utils and
> enchant(1). With the release work of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS largely done, I believe
> we could remove this package from Debian side now.
> (Users of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Debian 10 can still find stardict in the repos,
> in case anyone needs it.)
肖盛文 Faris Xiao
铜豌豆 Linux 
基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文桌面操作系统:https://www.atzlinux.com

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