
I'm looking for a sponsor for the package:
  * smart-open (#956455)

The packages are on:

The package is dependency of idseq-bench[1,2].

[1] https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/idseq-bench
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/956033

The package does have two issues:
    * GCS: runtime dependencies are not packaged (google-cloud-storage
and its deps).
        - I disabled the GCS related codes, and all the other tests
are works well.
        - d/patches/exclude-gcs.patch
    * S3: test dependencies not packaged (moto and its deps).
        - I disabled the S3 related tests.
        - d/patches/exclude-moto-s3-test.patch

Because of reverse dependency of this package (specially idseq-bench)
is only using the feature for local filesystems, GCS and S3 related
codes are unnecessary for now. So I disabled them. I mentioned this
issue in d/README.source.

I enabled all the tests not related with GCS and S3, are all passed
well. The package was tested on both gbp and sbuild, and

Please consider to review and sponsor this. Any kind of suggestions
are appreciated.

Thank you!


Sao I Kuan

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