severity 954242 serious thanks The bug is also present with glibc 2.30-2, from testing/unstable, with no special configuration.
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failure: free()... Laurent Bonnaud
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failure: f... Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failure: f... Piotr Engelking
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failur... Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst fa... Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst fa... Piotr Engelking
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postins... Piotr Engelking
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: po... Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failure: f... Marcos Dione
- Bug#954242: qgis-providers: postinst failur... Sebastiaan Couwenberg