* Felix Lechner <felix.lech...@lease-up.com>, 2020-03-04, 10:28:
The test package provided elsewhere in this bug may have an invalid md5sums file. As detailed in commit 822d4b70, the specifications explain that newlines are escaped with a backslash but are printed *verbatim*:


That is also how the md5sum tool behaves. It can be tested on any file system.

Hmm, no? The documentation is not very clear about this, but md5sums escapes newlines as \n:

  $ x=$(printf 'foo\nbar')
  $ echo "$x"
  $ touch "$x"
  $ md5sum "$x"
  \d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  foo\nbar

Jakub Wilk

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