> Emacs needs to update window-width when > the user updates the text size.
Apologies for not following this thread, and if this reply is off-topic. I stumbled on this message by chance. FWIW, letting users automatically resize the window to accommodate a change in text scale is the purpose of library `face-remap+.el'. This enhancement was proposed to Emacs dev from the outset (2009), but there was no interest. `face-remap+.el' lets buffer font resizing also zoom the window size accordingly (horizontally, vertically, or both). That way, you can take advantage of the space freed up by resizing (text-scaling) to a smaller font. The code has just a small change to `text-scale-increase'. https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/face-remap%2b.el Option `text-scale-resize-window' lets you control the behavior: nil: Don't resize window `horizontally': Resize window only horizontally `vertically': Resize window only vertically t: Resize window both directions [If the window is alone in its frame, and if you also use library `fit-frame.el', then the frame is resized (horizontally & vertically).]