On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 01:55:41PM -0500, James McCoy wrote:
> Control: retitle -1 vim-tiny: Incorrect size reported when invoked as vi on 
> 32-bit architectures
> Control: tag -1 + upstream confirmed
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 12:28:24PM -0500, Tresi Arvizo wrote:
> > When invoked as vi, vim.tiny incorrectly reports the file size being
> > edited, reporting "898964 characters" no matter now large or small the
> > file is (tried files from 0 bytes to 71 MB).  It works correctly when
> > invoked as vim.tiny.  This seems to be a problem on the armhf/armv7l
> > architecture; I did not see it on an i686 machine.
> I've confirmed that it happens on other 32-bit architectures (e.g.,
> mipsel) as well.
> > tresi@raspberrypi:~$ vi foo
> > hi
> > ~
> > "foo" 1 line, 898964 characters
> > 
> > tresi@raspberrypi:~$ vim.tiny foo
> > hi
> > ~
> > "foo" 1L, 3C
> The difference here is that vi sources /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny and runs
> "set compatible".  That changes the 'shortmess' option to not contain
> the "l" setting, so the translated strings are reported rather than the
> abbreviated L/C versions.
> Running "vim.tiny -u NONE foo" will show the same problem.
> Both versions should be going through the same code path, so I'm not
> sure yet why there's a difference.
> In this particular code path, it's trying to format the value of off_t
> (a 64-bit type) and, due to FEAT_NUM64 being disabled in vim-tiny,
> accesses it with “va_arg(ap, long int)” rather than “va_arg(ap, long
> long int)”.
> Re-compiling with FEAT_NUM64 defined causes it to work in both
> situations, but it's still quite odd that the L/C path works fine.
Interestingly, changing

        vim_snprintf((char *)p, IOSIZE - (p - IObuff),
                NGETTEXT("%lld character", "%lld characters", nchars),


        vim_snprintf((char *)p, IOSIZE - (p - IObuff),
                NGETTEXT("%ld foo %lld character", "%ld foo %lld characters", 
nchars), 42L,

"fixes" the problem.

The extra format spec (which mimics the L/C status) seems to have a
relevant effect here.

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