On Mon, 14 Oct 2019 23:13:09 +0200 Hilmar Preuße <hill...@web.de> wrote:
> On 2/14/19 1:55 PM, da...@daveserver.info wrote:
> Hi,
> I've uploaded 1.3.6a to unstable. It contains a fix:
> - Bug 4319 - FTP uploads frequently break due to "Interrupted system
> call" error.
> Does the new version solve your issue?
> Hilmar
> --
> sigfault
> #206401 http://counter.li.org
Dear Maintainer,
we have recently received reports of customers having issues when
uploading many HTML files at once (429 items, totaling 3,1 MiB). We can
reproduce this issue with FTPES (explicit TLS) on both Ubuntu 19.10 with
FileZilla 3.39.0 and on Windows 10 using WinSCP. On the client side
(FileZilla) an aborted file transfer is logged as follows:
Command: STOR w00017.htm
Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for w00017.htm
Response: 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost
Error: File transfer failed
Status: Starting upload of
Status: Retrieving directory listing of
Status: File transfer successful, transferred 2.1 KB in 1 second
On the server side in proftpd.log we essentially receive the same error:
2020-02-05 13:14:18,605 iserv.kim.mein-iserv.de proftpd[10571]
notice: user kim.brodowski: aborting transfer: Link to file server lost
In tls.log I don't see any lines that appear to be of interest at first
glance, even with verbose logging enabled.
Disabling TLS results in the file transfer proceeding as expected, but
of course is unsuitable for transfers over the internet.
We're currently running proftpd-basic and proftpd-mod-pgsql version
1.3.6-4+deb10u3 (stable/Buster). As you have suggested that a newer
upstream version might resolve the issue I've also backported both
packages from Bullseye in version 1.3.6b-3. This does not appear to have
any effect.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kim-Alexander Brodowski
IServ GmbH
Bültenweg 73
38106 Braunschweig
Telefon: +49 531 22 43 666-0
Mobil: +49 152 55 17 55 16
Fax: +49 531 22 43 666-9
E-Mail: kim.brodow...@iserv.eu
Internet: https://iserv.eu
USt-IdNr. DE265149425 | Amtsgericht Braunschweig | HRB 201822
Geschäftsführer: Benjamin Heindl, Martin Hüppe, Jörg Ludwig
Grundsätze zum Datenschutz: https://iserv.eu/privacy