On Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 04:44:04AM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > Following #950533, I also had a problem upgrading systemd in a chroot, 
> > where 
> > files in /, /var, /var/log are all owned by sbuild:sbuild. The upgrading 
> > script 
> Why would you make all files owned by sbuild:sbuild?
I have this problem too.
I don't know why those dirs are owned by sbuild:sbuild there.

> > tried to create a dir /var/log/journal/, owned by root:root, and then 
> > failed 
> > without a lot of clues...
> Can you run
> SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal
> echo $?
bash: systemd-tmpfiles: command not found
The chroot has sysvinit-core installed, it's too old to have systemd
installed. systemd is getting installed when installing build-deps.


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