I added nomodeset as described in https://askubuntu.com/a/38834 . Then, the boot process displayed some error concerning UMS and radeon early in the process, and the screen resolution is different. The boot process still gets stuck, and switching with Ctrl+Alt+F1 followed by Ctrl+Alt+F2 makes it continue, but the segfault message disappears from dmesg.
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproducibly crashes on boot, ... Md Ayquassar
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproducibly crashes on b... Md Ayquassar
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproducibly crashes ... Bernhard Übelacker
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproducibly cras... Md Ayquassar
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproducibly ... Bernhard Übelacker
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproduc... Md Ayquassar
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell repr... Md Ayquassar
- Bug#948288: gnome-shell reproduc... Md Ayquassar