Control: reassign -1
Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 RM: gnome-xcf-thumbnailer -- RoQA; RC buggy, dead upstream, 
appears obsolete

On Sun, 09 Jun 2019 at 11:30:57 +0200, Tobias Frost wrote:
> gnome-xcf-thumbnailer is currently RC buggy with 2 bugs:
> #655465 [S|  |  ] [gnome-xcf-thumbnailer] No thumbnails created in Gnome 3.2.1
> #886072 [S|  |  ] [src:gnome-xcf-thumbnailer] gnome-xcf-thumbnailer: Depends 
> on gconf
> However, at least on my system, xcf thumbnails are still generated in
> Gnome so it seems that this package is obsolete anyway.  It is for sure
> dead-upstream (last release 10 years ago) and it seems to be
> unmaintained in Debian.
> Thus I suggest to RM this package.

Nobody objected within 6 months, and I'm trying to tidy up some of the
unmaintained GNOME-2-era GNOME stuff (or at least make sure it has bug
reports about being unmaintained upstream), so let's do this.


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