
Here's my mostly functional patch to add code to send in patches to
the central debtags database with HTTP POST instead of mailing them.

I took the liberty of refactoring most of update-tags.pl to
UpdateTags.pm.  At the same time I moved config.pl to it's own Cfg.pm.
IMHO it would be a good idea to make proper modules from commonly used
code, even if it was never submitted to CPAN.  I didn't patch the rest
of those "require '../config.pl';" calls to "use
CentralDatabase::Cfg;" yet.  Feel free to put my code to use a require
too if you want.

I failed to get the $entity =
$parser->parse_data($q->param('POSTDATA')); call to parse the query
correctly in patch-submit.cgi.  I'm going to have to ask someone else
to sort that one out.  $entity->dump_skeleton just shows:

Content-type: multipart/mixed
Effective-type: multipart/mixed
Body-file: NONE
Num-parts: 1
    Content-type: text/plain
    Effective-type: text/plain
    Body-file: NONE

AFAIK Body-file should contain the debtags diff, not be NONE.

Other than this, I've patched debtags-editor to show in a menu an
option to submit patches via HTTP POST and to show the results in a
Gtk::Dialog.  Unlike email, this way of submitting patches is
synchronous and the program's showing the result of the submission
right away.

The patch to debtags-edit requires patching libapt-front too, whose
patch I sent to its mailing list.  See

Attachment: central-database.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

--- debtags/debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsDocument.cc   2006-02-26 
00:34:52.016957000 +0200
+++ debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsDocument.cc   2006-03-29 15:33:54.941584554 
@@ -359,6 +359,11 @@
+void DebtagsDocument::sendHTTP(FILE* reply) throw (FileException)
+       debtags().sendPatchHTTP(reply);
 template<class T>
 OpSet<T> DebtagsDocument<T>::handlesToItems(const OpSet<int>& handles) const 
throw ()
--- debtags/debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsDocument.h    2006-02-26 
00:34:52.020957000 +0200
+++ debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsDocument.h    2006-03-29 15:43:13.467361388 
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
        //void load() throw (FileException, ParserException);
        void save() throw (Tagcoll::FileException);
        void send() throw (Tagcoll::FileException);
+       void sendHTTP(FILE*) throw (Tagcoll::FileException);
        //void output(TagcollConsumer<T>& consumer) throw ();
        //void output(TagcollConsumer<int>& consumer) throw ();
--- debtags/debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsEditor.cc     2006-02-26 
00:34:52.020957000 +0200
+++ debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsEditor.cc     2006-03-31 02:48:40.758248843 
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@
        fileMenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("_Mail changes 
to central database",
                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DebtagsEditor::on_send)));
+       fileMenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("_Submit changes 
to central database with HTTP POST",
+                               sigc::mem_fun(*this, 
        saveMenuItem = &(fileMenu.items().back());
@@ -363,6 +366,35 @@
+template<class DOC>
+void DebtagsEditor<DOC>::on_send_http()
+       try {
+               FILE* reply = tmpfile();
+               doc.sendHTTP(reply);
+               rewind(reply);
+               Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> reply_buf = 
+               char buf[1024];
+               size_t bytes_read;
+               do {
+                       bytes_read = fread(buf, 1, 1024, reply);
+                       printf("read %i bytes\n", bytes_read);
+                       reply_buf->insert(reply_buf->end(), buf, 
+               } while (bytes_read == 1024);
+               Gtk::TextView reply_view(reply_buf);
+               reply_view.set_editable(false);
+               Gtk::Dialog oki("Server reply", true);
+               oki.add_button(Gtk::Stock::OK, 0);
+               oki.get_vbox()->pack_end(reply_view);
+               oki.get_vbox()->show_all();
+               oki.run();
+       } catch (Exception& e) {
+               Gtk::MessageDialog err(string("Send failed: ") + e.desc() + " 
(" + e.type() + ")",
+                               false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, 
+               err.run();
+       }
 template<class DOC>
 void DebtagsEditor<DOC>::on_save_as()
--- debtags/debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsEditor.h      2006-02-26 
00:34:52.020957000 +0200
+++ debtags-edit/trunk/src/DebtagsEditor.h      2006-03-29 01:59:03.622656346 
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
        //void on_open_debtags();
        void on_save();
        void on_send();
+       void on_send_http();
        //void on_save_as();
        void on_quit();
        void on_compute_intensive_data();

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