[Daniel Schepler]
> Reading the report again, it seemed to me that it could be read as a
> chastisement; I apologize for this.

I didn't worry about the tone.  I knew we would be getting this bug
report sooner or later, since the powerpc FTBFS keeps refusing to go

I looked at the buildd logs and, indeed, it is only powerpc which is
hitting this case.  Other buildds are hitting other test failures (and
ia64 simply doesn't have a working kaffe at the moment), but they seem
to be random in a way that makes me want to blame the buildds.

If you could install swig 1.3.27-2 (from your /var/cache/apt/archives,
or from http://snapshot.debian.net/package/swig/), and try building
with that, that would confirm whether this is a problem with swig
1.3.28, which certainly seems to be the case.

> I'm willing to help in discovering what the issue is and in testing
> fixes.  Something I forgot to mention, though: I was doing the builds
> in a "pbuildd" chroot with all packages being locally built versions,
> and I haven't yet checked whether the build failure happens with a
> vanilla pbuilder chroot using official packages from the archive.

Well, if you're using official debian sources for your other packages,
I imagine it will make little difference.  If it is convenient for you
to try it both ways, sure, go ahead.

I've been a bit busy with NM stuff in the past couple days, so I
haven't pinged upstream about this bug yet.  I will, though.


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