package gal0.x
tags 359683 + patch

Le Mercredi 29 Mars 2006 19:43, vous avez écrit :
> I can't tell just what you're doing from the truncated log.  While you
> are perhaps right that this might be a useful feature, it isn't one
> that is currently required.  I'm not sure it should be considered a
> bug at all, but since your report doesn't contain a log, I can't
> really tell what you're doing that is failing.

After unpacking the source package, I'm running a script which adds something 

gal0.x (0.24-6+pb1) pbuildd; urgency=low

  * Local build using pbuildd.

 -- Pbuildd daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 30 Mar 2006 09:25:51 

to the beginning of debian/changelog.  Which should be similar to what happens 
in a binNMU, except that there the version would be 0.24-6+b1 instead.

> It's a legacy package, so there isn't much interest in generic
> "cleanup" work.  It will be gone entirely soon enough.
> However, if someone submits a patch which addresses the difficulties
> you're having, I have no objection to applying it.

I've attached a patch which works for me.
Daniel Schepler
diff -urN gal0.x-0.24.old/debian/rules gal0.x-0.24/debian/rules
--- gal0.x-0.24.old/debian/rules	2005-09-17 04:19:57.000000000 +0200
+++ gal0.x-0.24/debian/rules	2006-03-30 11:23:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 cfiles := $(shell $(call _echo_cfiles, $(wildcard debian/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.*)))
 # shared library versions, option 1
-VERSION  := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version | sed -e 's/Version: //g' -e 's/-[A-Za-z0-9\.]*$$//g')
+VERSION  := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version | sed -e 's/Version: //g' -e 's/-[^-]*$$//g')
 # GAL_CURRENT := $(shell grep GAL_CURRENT= | sed -e 's/GAL_CURRENT=//g' )
 # GAL_AGE := $(shell grep GAL_AGE= | sed -e 's/GAL_AGE=//g' )
 # LIBGALSO := $(shell expr ${GAL_CURRENT} - ${GAL_AGE})

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