On 8/28/19 6:05 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 8/26/19 5:42 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> On 8/25/19 4:31 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 8/25/19 3:22 PM, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 09:39:26PM +0200, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
>>>>> For the Debian GIS team I'd like to transition to PROJ 6.
>>>>> This is a major change that affects the wider GIS ecosystem, with proj
>>>>> being at the bottom of the dependency chain.
>>>> Please go ahead.
>>> Thanks!
>>> proj (6.1.1-1), libgeotiff (1.5.1-1) & python-pyproj (2.3.0+ds-1) have
>>> been uploaded to unstable. And the severity of the remaining bugreports
>>> has been raised.
>> The packages are now also installed on all release architectures.
> Thanks for the binNMUs.
> For some reason survex was not included in the list of packages to
> rebuild, but libgeotiff-dfsg was. Please also binnmu survex.

survex still needs to be rebuilt with the new proj.

> The FTBFS of libgeotiff-dfsg will likely result in someone filing an RC
> bug which will get and keep it out of testing until it can be removed
> from the archive.

libgeotiff-epsg, the last remaining libgeotiff-dfsg rdep, has been
removed from the archive via #936044.

Removal of libgeotiff-dfsg was just requested in #936093.

> It looks like the recent update of scons broke the mapnik build, I've
> reporting it upstream and am trying various things to make it work again
> but haven't succeeded so far.

There is no solution for scons not using the environment variables any
more yet (#936017), so I had to revert to using the embedded copy of
scons 3.0.1 included in the mapnik upstream tarballs. The upload to
unstable will follow shortly.

That leaves:

 * openorienteering-mapper (#931935)

 * vtk6 (#931943)
   Fixed version only available in experimental,
   maintainer said he'll move it to unstable soon.

 * vtk7 (#931944)

 * lammps
   Once the fixed vtk6 is in unstable it should build successfully.

Kind Regards,


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