Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "fwlogwatch" It builds those binary packages: fwlogwatch - Firewall log analyzer To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL: Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command: dget -x Changes since the last upload: fwlogwatch (1.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium * QA upload. * debian/compat: no longer needed in debhelper 12. * debian/control: - Add lsb-base to Depends. - Add Pre-Depends. - Change maintainer to Debian QA Group. (See #927949) - Update debhelper to version 12. - Update Standards-Version: 4.4.0. - Use default-mta in Depends. * debian/copyright: - Add debian mantainers. - Update copyright years for upstream. - Update Source URL. - Use canonical GPL license. - Use https in Format URL. * debian/fwlogwatch.manpages: add to install extra manpages instead of rules. * debian/fwlogwatch.postrm: remove check for ancient version. * debian/fwlogwatch.preinst: remove file, checking for ancient version. * debian/fwlogwatch.service: add systemd service file. * debian/patches: - Add to set a default pidfile required for systemd. - Rename patches to be number ordered. - Update 0001-Makefile fix compiling with debug symbols and adjust install directories. * debian/README.Debian: add note explaining pidfile for systemd. * debian/rules: simplify with newer debhelper. (Closes: #928846) * debian/tests/control: add simple test checking the program runs. * debian/watch: update to version 4. Regards, William Grzybowski
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