Package: python3-singledispatch Version: Control: affects -1 python3-librtmp python3-pecan python3-livestreamer
python 3.4 ships with singledispatch in functools. python3-singledispatch is a backport of this functionality to python 2.6 - 3.3. Since debian doesn't ship any older version of python3 any longer, (and hasn't since before the oldoldstable release), python3-singledispatch should be dropped from debian. If there are reverse dependencies that really want python3-singledispatch, they should be patched to use singledispatch from functools. 0 dkg@alice:~$ apt rdepends python3-singledispatch python3-singledispatch Reverse Depends: Depends: python3-librtmp Depends: python3-pecan Depends: python3-livestreamer Depends: python3-pecan 0 dkg@alice:~$ --dkg
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