On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 08:17:45AM +0100, Jeremy Lain? wrote:
> > If an invalid template is uploaded (for instance, one containing
> > inline stylesheets) which happens to be the template which is used
> > for a barrel's administrative interface, smarty will constantly bomb
> > and not allow the admin to fix the mistake.
> A very good point, I've already run into this scenario myself.. I'll
> try testing for an error upon selecting the new template or something
> similar. 
> Another question is whether we want the template for the admin
> interface to be changeable by the user. We could possibly add a
> checkbox with a big fat warning so that we don't drop the
> functionality altogether.
Possibly.  I'd go with explicitly setting the admin template and not
allowing an (easy) change.  Certainly making it default as per the rest of
things isn't a good idea, because I want my default template applied to the
rest of my site, but that template doesn't exactly work real well as an
admin page template.  Perhaps a specific 'admin' template needs to be
created for the purpose.

> > The ridiculousness of a templating engine which barfs on a commonly
> > used character is a matter for another time.
> A very colourful sentence Matt, thank god for Aussies :) What was the
> character?


Yep, any template with an inline stylesheet kills the "smart"y template

I thought smarty sucked before.  Hitting this just drove it home to me.  PHP
itself is a quite reasonable templating engine.  I vote to throw smarty out
as the weird, inflexible PoS it is, and just use PHP direct in the templates. 

- Matt

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