On Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 02:13:03PM +0200, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> How often do you expect to need NEW processing for monit?

Probably, once every major release.  Backport is a frequent request.

> Do you know any users of the package who have contributed patches or other
> maintainer type bugreports that could be recruited to help co-maintain the
> package?

Yes, take look in the history.  Someone was added to Uploaders, but
after year+ of inactivity - I've decided to remove that contributor.

> My strong preference is for you to maintain the backport as you are the most
> able maintainer of the package, so I hope we can find a solution where I can
> support you with the unpleasant bureaucracy to enable you keep doing your
> work on the monit package (and its backports).

Ok, ping me (e.g. with a bug), when this option will be available.  I'll
provide a package after few days.

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