Control: forwarded -1
On Sun, 07 Apr 2019 at 20:00:23 +0200, Bernhard Übelacker wrote: > PS.: My untested change in message 10 might not crash, but lead to an > infinitive loop, as app->running_state might not change anymore... Yeah, let's not do that. If line 1485 of shell_app_dispose() is indeed what's crashing, then that would mean that app->running_state is non-NULL but app->running_state->windows is NULL. This doesn't seem to be meant to happen: we can see that in window_backed_app_get_window(), there's an assertion that if app->running_state is non-NULL, then app->running_state->windows is meant to be non-NULL too. A common feature of upstream bugs 750 and 822 is that _shell_app_remove_window() line 1110 is in the stack trace: this means the ShellApp is being disposed while shell_app_sync_running_state() is still running. At this point in _shell_app_remove_window(), window has already been removed from app->running_state->windows, but app->running_state has not yet been cleared: so the invariant that app->running_state is only non-NULL if app->running_state->windows is also non-NULL does not hold, and indeed in both those upstream bugs we seem to have a violation of that invariant, causing a crash when user code disposes the ShellApp in response to one of its signals. I think the solution is probably to stop believing that app->running_state != NULL implies app->running_state->windows != NULL, and check for the latter whenever we need it; but the refcounting of the ShellApp still seems suspicious, so I'm hoping for input from upstream before uploading anything for this. smcv