Package: rmagic Version: 2.21-5 With Perl5 v26, rmagic no longer compiles (as in, perl -c /usr/bin/rmagic returns errors)
Line 322 is: $statistics{Log_File} =~ s/\${infile}/$infile/gi; But unescaped angle braces are no longer deprecated in Perl5 v26, but simply fail to compile Accordingly, line 322 should be: $statistics{Log_File} =~ s/\$\{infile\}/$infile/gi; This problem is specific to the perl version (Perl5 v26 is the default in Ubuntu 18.04, which I'm using) and is not OS or hardware dependent. Many thanks, Christopher Lansdown -- "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar" ========== Evil Overlord Quote of the Day ( ========= 112. I will not rely entirely upon "totally reliable" spells that can be neutralized by relatively inconspicuous talismans.