On Sunday, 24 February 2019 09:19:14 CET you wrote: > Control: found -1 241-1 > > Wolfgang Walter [2019-02-23 11:39 +0100]: > > The bug is back again: 241-1 again has this problem. > > So this broke again due to > https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/3907446f02 or > https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/73d2bb08816 , i. e. as part of > https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/11449 . > > The logging should now be improved with v241, particularly which policy was > applied. Do you have a chance to get a journal log (journalctl -b) from such > a broken boot? >
Thanks for the commits, this helps a lot. I could not find much more information in the log. Basically I see (which I don't see with 240-6): systemd-udevd[312]: Using default interface naming scheme 'v240'. kernel: ´rename41: renamed from INT ... systemd-udevd[312]: INT: Failed to rename network interface 41 from 'BASE' to 'I': Device or resource busy I'll try again to add the OriginalName=eth* enp* to the match of the .link files and see if this helps and so they won't match the vlan interfaces. I didn#t try to match enp* the last time, because in the log I see eth0 and eth1. The commit message of https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/3907446f02 seems to be wrong. It suggests that behaviour will only change if there is a NamePolicy entry in the link file. Actually it will also change behaviour if there is none. So my link files matches vlan interfaces as they have the same mac as the underlying physical device and udev tries to rename it to the name given with Name= whereas previously the IN_SET(name_type, NET_NAME_USER, NET_NAME_RENAMED) (line 402) catched and avoided the change. I think systemd should restore the old behaviour in that sense that if there is NO NamePolicy it also will check for IN_SET(name_type, NET_NAME_USER, NET_NAME_RENAMED). This would be different from https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/73d2bb08816 as it only would restore old behaviour for the case that a link file does NOT contain a NamePolicy. How, by the way, does one set the name-scheme to version 239 as commit https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/73d2bb08816 implements? I'll try to add NamePolicy=keep to my link file. If I understand the man page and the commit correctly this policy will match for my explicitly named devices (my vlan devices) and they will not be renamed even though they have the same mac and therefor match the link file. For the physical ethernet device which matches the mac-address this NamePolicy will fail and therefor the Name= will be used. Regards, -- Wolfgang Walter Studentenwerk München Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts