On Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:41:50 +0200 Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote: > |Oy. I gather, then, that s-nail cannot be an alternative unless some > |sort of political settlement is brokered, which may never happen. Alas. > > That was my impression at least. Of course this MUA is still very > restricted, so in parts i can even understand the trouble. We are
...so why isn't heirlom-mailx not just added with a lower priority than BSD mail? It would not disturb anyone and those who dislike mailx from BSD mail or wherever could easily change it to heirlom-mailx. No one ever said that an alternative must be switch compatible, I think. See the Debian Wiki [1] where a discussion on debian-user is linked, which talks about vim, nvi and elvis, which do not support the same key strokes and are nevertheless alternatives. Actually I could just state that I've used to use a dot to end the interacive mail command since the very early nineties, which doesn't work any more today. So what's that reasoning about a missing -a switch compared? The same level of unimportance.... Please just add it as an alternative with lower priority. If anyone feels distracted even by such a non-invasive method, (s)he could open a bug, I suggest and the discussion could start over. Regards, Adrian. [1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAlternatives