On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 10:27 AM Robert Arkiletian wrote:

>   Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:
>     dget -x 
> https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/pyfltk/pyfltk_1.3.4.1-1.dsc

Here is a review:

>   More information about pyfltk can be obtained from https://www.example.com.

This appears to be incorrect :)

I'm not sure but I don't think Python documentation packages are meant
to be renamed when moving to Python 3. If you prefer to do so then
you'll need to rename the debian/python-fltk-doc.* files.

You have dropped debian/install, does the package still build
correctly without this?

You have changed the author in debian/patches/no_docs, which is meant
to indicate the author of the patch, not the current maintainer of the

You have dropped debian/patches/platform_startswith, but I think that
should have been updated to apply to the new version instead.

The debian/changelog file has UNRELEASED at the top but it should have unstable.

debian/changelog is missing other changes that have been made to the package.

I suggest using the debhelper-compat mechanism instead of
debian/compat, and using debhelper compat level 12 instead of 10. I
chose 12 because that is the latest version of debhelper in Debian
backports. You also have a different version in debian/compat and the
debian/control Build-Depends, they should be the same (or just switch
to using debhelper-compat to avoid the version duplication).


You have opted to bump the Python dependency versions to 3.7, does
pyfltk really need such a high version of Python? Using inflated
dependency versions limits backportability of the package.

You will need to unarchive and re-open the bugs closed in a +rm
version here, and then close them in debian/changelog if the version
you are uploading fixes those bugs. Seems like #866915 has been fixed
and #849973 would be easy to fix.


I'm guessing python3-fltk-dbg can be dropped in favour of the
automatic debug symbols packages.


You have removed the Standards-Version from debian/control, please
restore it, read the upgrading checklist, make any changes needed and
then update Standards-Version to the version of Debian Policy that the
package complies with.


I think override_dh_strip can be removed from debian/control if it
isn't going to be used.

I suggest running this command to make diffs of the Debian packaging
easier to read:

wrap-and-sort --short-indent --wrap-always --sort-binary-packages
--trailing-comma --dry-run

The debian/watch file doesn't work:


$ uscan --verbose

scan info: Newest version of pyfltk on remote site is 1.3.0, local
version is
uscan info:    => Only older package available from

Automated checks:

lintian: lots of warnings/errors



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