I think there are two separate issues at play here.

One is with longtabu X.

Replacing X columns with c columns:
I got past the "! Missing } inserted." errors that I originally reported.

Unfortunately this breaks something else, as shown by the attached 
stripped-down example.

This command:
/usr/bin/pdflatex -shell-escape doxygen_manual.tex
fails with both texlive-base 2018.20181214-1 and 2018.20190126-1.

It returns 1 and prints this error in doxygen_manual.log:

! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.70 \end{longtabu}

It goes away if I remove these lines towards the end of tables.tex:

-\item Item 1 
-\item Item 2 

but this is not viable because similar code occurs in a lot of places in 
doxygen-generated tex files.

Any help is appreciated so that we can work around these latex issues for the 
doxygen 1.8.15 release while upstream fixes tabu.


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