On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 04:05:09PM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
Michael Stone dixit:
So use the epoch. They're invented for fixing collosal errors like
this. Except this time, have the appropriate discussion on -devel
instead of just uploading something without coordination.

Sounds like an approach, but please see in #919893 my message
<pine.bsm.4.64l.1901201550360.15...@herc.mirbsd.org> first for
an alternative idea.

Coordination with -devel is required for epoch anyway… for p-u
only RT IIRC, but we could do either.

But you’re not in a situation to command either, considering
hmh is the ONLY maintainer of rng-tools so we WILL need his
input on this (or do an NMU).

I'm not commanding anything, I'm just trying to figure out ways to un-hijack the package. Hence the desire to discuss any solution on -devel to get broader input & consensus.

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