HI Fabian,

On  Di 15 Jan 2019 20:17:05 CET, Fabián Rodríguez wrote:

Package: guacamole
Version: 0.9.9+dfsg-1
Followup-For: Bug #887465

Dear Maintainer,

A newer version 0.9.14 was released on 2018-01-18:

It introduces important changes, see:

Does this version now build against FreeRDP v2? If not, we can upload this new upstream version, but we need to disable FreeRDP support (which makes it less usable for most end users).


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4354) 8390 139

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