Hash: SHA256

On 2019-01-02 23:05, Francesco Poli wrote:
> I have a couple of questions.
> First of all:
> #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:533 msgid "You must install the
> reportbug package to be able to do this" msgstr "Du måste
> installera paketet reportbug för att kunna göra det här"
> #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:584 msgid "You must install a web
> browser package to be able to do this" msgstr "Du måste installera
> en webbläsare för att kunna göra detta"
> Why is "to be able to do this" translated differently in these two 
> cases?

The second is more casual in language. They should probably be the
same indeed.

> Secondly:
> #. TRANSLATORS: %{prog} is the name of a program, %{user} is a user
> name. #: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:647 msgid "" "   <num>   -
> query the specified bug number\n" "             (uses %{prog} as
> user %{user}).\n" msgstr "" "   <num>   - frågar efter fel
> identifierat med <num>\n" "             (genom %{prog} som
> användare %{user}).\n"
> The previous translation of "query the specified bug number" was 
> "fråga efter det angivna felnumret": why was it replaced? Is the
> new translation more accurate? The new translation seems to
> correspond more to "query the bug identified by <num>"...

I struggled a bit here and decided to have the same translation for
this and the option b<num> (IIRC). I am not totally sure about the
actual usage behind the options.
With fresh eyes on the string it should actually be "fråga" instead of
"frågar" - that part is a typo caused by copying the string from

> Please note that I do not speak Swedish, hence I can well be
> completely off-track. Bear with me!
> Please let me know, thanks for your time.

Thank YOU for caring this close to changes!

- -- 

# Swedish translation of apt-listbugs.
# Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Masato Taruishi et al.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt-listbugs package.
# Per Andersson <avtob...@debian.org>, 2014.
# Martin Bagge <brot...@bsnet.se>, 2009, 2016, 2019.
# Daniel Nylander <p...@danielnylander.se>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt-listbugs 0.1.20\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: invernom...@paranoici.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-21 22:53+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-04 08:14+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge / brother <brot...@bsnet.se>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <debian-l10n-swed...@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: "E: " is a label for error messages; you may translate it with a suitable abbreviation of the word "error"
#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:421 ../bin/apt-listbugs:454 ../bin/apt-listbugs:459 ../bin/apt-listbugs:465 ../bin/apt-listbugs:479 ../bin/apt-listbugs:509 ../bin/apt-listbugs:540 ../bin/apt-listbugs:589
#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:602 ../lib/aptlistbugs/aptcleanup:52 ../lib/aptlistbugs/aptcleanup:55 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:302 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:312 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1001
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1013 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1026 ../lib/aptlistbugs/migratepins:52 ../lib/aptlistbugs/migratepins:55
msgid "E: "
msgstr "F: "

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:422
msgid "This may be caused by a package lacking support for the ruby interpreter in use. Try to fix the situation with the following commands:"
msgstr "Det här kan orsakas av att ett paket saknar stöd för Rubytolken som används. Försök åtgärda situationen med följande kommandon:"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:454
msgid "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is undefined.\n"
msgstr "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD är odefinierad.\n"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:459
msgid "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD is not correctly defined.\n"
msgstr "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD är inte definierad för närvarande.\n"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:465
msgid "Cannot read from file descriptor %d"
msgstr "Kan ej läsa från fildeskriptor %d"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:479
msgid "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs is not giving me expected 'VERSION 3' string.\n"
msgstr "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs levererar inte förväntad 'VERSION 3'-sträng.\n"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:509
msgid "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs is giving me fewer fields than expected.\n"
msgstr "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs ger mig färre fält än förväntat.\n"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:540
msgid "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs is giving me an invalid direction of version change.\n"
msgstr "APT Pre-Install-Pkgs ger mig en felaktig riktning av versionsförändring.\n"

#: ../bin/apt-listbugs:619
msgid "****** Exiting with an error in order to stop the installation. ******"
msgstr "****** Avslutar med fel för att kunna stoppa installationen. ******"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/aptcleanup:52 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:405 ../lib/aptlistbugs/migratepins:52
msgid "Cannot read from %s"
msgstr "Kan inte läsa från %s"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/aptcleanup:123
msgid "Fixed packages : "
msgstr "Åtgärdade paket : "

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:50
msgid "Usage: "
msgstr "Användning: "

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:51
msgid " [options] <command> [arguments]"
msgstr " [flaggor] <kommando> [argument]"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:53
msgid "Options:\n"
msgstr "Flaggor:\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: the colons (:) in the following strings are vertically aligned, please keep their alignment consistent
#. TRANSLATORS: the \"all\" between quotes should not be translated
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:56
msgid ""
" -s <severities>  : Filter bugs by severities you want to see\n"
"                    (or \"all\" for all)\n"
"                    [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
" -s <allvarlighet>: Filtrera fel med allvarlighetsgrad du vill se\n"
"                    (eller \"all\" för alla)\n"
"                    [%s].\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:57
msgid " -T <tags>        : Filter bugs by tags you want to see.\n"
msgstr " -T <taggar>      : Filtrera fel med taggar som du vill se.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:58
msgid ""
" -S <states>      : Filter bugs by pending-state categories you want to see\n"
"                    [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
" -S <tillstånd>   : Filtrera fel med förestående tillstånd som du vill se\n"
"                    [%s].\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:59
msgid " -B <bug#>        : Filter bugs by number, showing only the specified bugs.\n"
msgstr " -B <fel#>        : Begränsa rapportering till specificerad felrapport.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:60
msgid " -D               : Show downgraded packages, too.\n"
msgstr " -D               : Visa nedgraderade paket också.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:61
msgid " -H <hostname>    : Hostname of Debian Bug Tracking System [%s].\n"
msgstr " -H <värdnamn>    : Värdnamn för Debians felhanteringssystem [%s].\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:62
msgid " -p <port>        : Port number of the server [%s].\n"
msgstr " -p <port>        : Portnummer för servern [%s].\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:63
msgid " -P <priority>    : Pin-Priority value [%s].\n"
msgstr " -P <priority>    : Anger Pin-Priority-värde [%s].\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:64
msgid " -E <title>       : Title of RSS output.\n"
msgstr " -E <titel>       : Ange titeln för RSS.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:65
msgid " -q               : Don't display progress bar.\n"
msgstr " -q               : Visa inte förloppsstatus.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:66
msgid " -C <apt.conf>    : Additional apt.conf file to use.\n"
msgstr " -C <apt.conf>    : Ytterligare apt.conf som ska användas.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:67
msgid " -F               : Automatically pin all buggy packages.\n"
msgstr " -F               : NÃ¥la automatiskt alla felaktiga paket.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:68
msgid " -N               : Never automatically pin packages.\n"
msgstr " -N               : NÃ¥la aldrig paket automatiskt.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:69
msgid " -y               : Assume that you select yes for all questions.\n"
msgstr " -y               : Antar att du svarar Ja på alla frågor.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:70
msgid " -n               : Assume that you select no for all questions.\n"
msgstr " -n               : Antar att du svarar nej på alla frågor.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:71
msgid " -d               : Debug.\n"
msgstr " -d               : Felsökning.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:72
msgid " -h               : Display this help and exit.\n"
msgstr " -h               : Visa den här hjälpen och avsluta.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:73
msgid " -v               : Show version number and exit.\n"
msgstr " -v               : Visa versionsnummer och avsluta.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:74
msgid "Commands:\n"
msgstr "Kommandon:\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:75
msgid " apt              : Apt mode.\n"
msgstr " apt              : apt-läge.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:76
msgid " list <pkg...>    : List bug reports of the specified packages.\n"
msgstr " list <paket...>  : Lista felrapporter för de angivna paketen.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:77
msgid " rss <pkg...>     : List bug reports of the specified packages in RSS.\n"
msgstr " rss <paket...>   : Lista felrapporter för de angivna paketen i RSS.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:78
msgid "See the manual page for the long options.\n"
msgstr "Se manualsidan för de långa flaggorna.\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: the following six strings refer to a plural quantity of bugs
#. TRANSLATORS: please note that "Outstanding" means "unresolved", not "exceptional"
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:87
msgid "Outstanding"
msgstr "Utestående"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:88
msgid "Forwarded"
msgstr "Vidaresänd"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:89
msgid "Pending Upload"
msgstr "Förestående uppladdning"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:90
msgid "Fixed in NMU"
msgstr "Fixad i NMU"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:91
msgid "From other Branch"
msgstr "Från annan gren"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:92
msgid "Resolved in some Version"
msgstr "Åtgärdad i någon Version"

#. TRANSLATORS: "W: " is a label for warnings; you may translate it with a suitable abbreviation of the word "warning"
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:244 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:251 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:283 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:405 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:423 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:528
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:717 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:866
msgid "W: "
msgstr "V: "

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:244
msgid "Unrecognized severity '%s' will be ignored by the Debian BTS."
msgstr "Okänd allvarlighetsgrad '%s' kommer att ignoreras av Debians felrapporteringssystem."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:247
msgid "Bugs of severity %s"
msgstr "Fel med allvarlighetsgrad %s"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:251
msgid "sanity check failed: environment variable http_proxy is unset and HTTP_PROXY is set."
msgstr "självkontroll misslyckades: miljövariabeln http_proxy saknas medan HTTP_PROXY existerar."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:283
msgid "Cannot execute auto proxy detect command %s"
msgstr "Kan inte automatiskt upptäcka proxy, %s"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:302
msgid "You need to specify a command."
msgstr "Du behöver ange ett kommando."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:312
msgid "Unknown command "
msgstr "Okänt kommando "

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:423 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:717
msgid "Cannot write to %s"
msgstr "Kan inte skriva till %s"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:442
msgid "********** on_hold IS DEPRECATED. USE p INSTEAD to use pin **********"
msgstr "******** on_hold ÄR FÖRÅLDRAD. ANVÄND p ISTÄLLET för att använda nål ********"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:462
msgid "Are you sure you want to install/upgrade the above packages?"
msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill installera/uppgradera de ovanstående paketen?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:517 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:542
msgid "%s is unknown"
msgstr "%s är okänd"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:528
msgid "Failed to invoke querybts."
msgstr "Kunde inte köra querybts."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:533
msgid "You must install the reportbug package to be able to do this"
msgstr "Du måste installera paketet reportbug för att kunna göra det här"

#. TRANSLATORS: "ignored" refers to one singular bug
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:554
msgid "%s ignored"
msgstr "%s ignoreras"

#. TRANSLATORS: "ignored" refers to one singular bug
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:557
msgid "%s already ignored"
msgstr "%s ignoreras redan"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:584
msgid "You must install a web browser package to be able to do this"
msgstr "Du måste installera en webbläsare för att kunna göra detta"

#. TRANSLATORS: %{plist} is a comma-separated list of %{npkgs} packages to be pinned or put on hold.
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:617
msgid ""
"The following %{npkgs} package will be pinned or on hold:\n"
" %{plist}\n"
"Are you sure?"
msgid_plural ""
"The following %{npkgs} packages will be pinned or on hold:\n"
" %{plist}\n"
"Are you sure?"
msgstr[0] ""
"Följande %{npkgs} paket kommer att nålas eller hållas kvar:\n"
" %{plist}\n"
"Är du säker?"
msgstr[1] ""
"Följande %{npkgs} paket kommer att nålas eller hållas kvar:\n"
" %{plist}\n"
"Är du säker?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:631
msgid "All selected packages are already pinned or on hold. Ignoring %s command."
msgstr "Alla paket är redan nålade eller hålls fast. Ignorerar kommandot %s."

#. TRANSLATORS: the dashes (-) in the following strings are vertically aligned, please keep their alignment consistent
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:639
msgid ""
"     y     - continue the APT installation, but do not mark the bugs\n"
"             as ignored.\n"
msgstr "     y       - fortsätt med APT-installationen men ignorera inte felen.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:640
msgid ""
"     a     - continue the APT installation and mark all the above bugs\n"
"             as ignored.\n"
msgstr ""
"     a       - fortsätt med APT-installationen och ignorera alla\n"
"               ovanstående fel.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:643
msgid "     n     - stop the APT installation.\n"
msgstr "     n       - stoppa APT-installationen.\n"

#. TRANSLATORS: %{prog} is the name of a program, %{user} is a user name.
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:647
msgid ""
"   <num>   - query the specified bug number\n"
"             (uses %{prog} as user %{user}).\n"
msgstr ""
"   <num>   - fråga efter fel identifierat med <num>\n"
"             (genom %{prog} som användare %{user}).\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:650
msgid "  #<num>   - same as <num>.\n"
msgstr "  #<num>     - samma som <num>.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:651
msgid "   b<id>   - same as <num>, but query the bug identified by <id>.\n"
msgstr "   b<id>     - samma som <num>, men frågar efter fel identifierat med <id>.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:654
msgid "     r     - redisplay bug lists.\n"
msgstr "     r       - visa fellistan igen.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:655
msgid " p <pkg..> - pin pkgs (restart APT session to enable).\n"
msgstr " p <paket..> - nåla paket (starta om APT-sessionen för att aktivera).\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:656
msgid " p         - pin all the above pkgs (restart APT session to enable).\n"
msgstr ""
" p           - nåla alla ovanstående paket (starta om APT-sessionen\n"
"               för att aktivera).\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:657
msgid " i <num>   - mark bug number <num> as ignored.\n"
msgstr " i <num>     - ignorera fel nummer <num>.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:658
msgid " i b<id>   - mark the bug identified by <id> as ignored.\n"
msgstr " i b<id>     - markera felet identifierat med <id> som ignorerad.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:659
msgid "     ?     - print this help.\n"
msgstr "     ?       - skriv ut den här hjälpen.\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:661
msgid ""
"     w     - display bug lists in HTML\n"
"             (uses %{prog} as user %{user}).\n"
msgstr ""
"     w     - visa fellistan i HTML\n"
"             (genom %{prog} som användare %{user}).\n"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:683
msgid ""
"None of the above bugs is assigned to package %s\n"
"Are you sure you want to pin it?"
msgstr ""
"Ingen av ovanstående fel är relaterade till paket %s\n"
"Är du säker på att du vill nåla det?"

#. TRANSLATORS: %{packgl} is a list of packages, %{filenm} is a file name.
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:709
msgid "%{packgl} pinned by adding Pin preferences in %{filenm}. Restart APT session to enable"
msgstr "%{packgl} nålad genom att lägga till Pin-inställningar i %{filenm}. Starta om APT-sessionen för att aktivera"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:729
msgid "%s held. Restart APT session to enable"
msgstr "%s hålls kvar. Starta om APT-sessionen för att aktivera"

#. TRANSLATORS: %{sevty} is the severity of some of the bugs found for package %{packg}.
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:751
msgid "%{sevty} bugs of %{packg} ("
msgstr "%{sevty} fel i %{packg} ("

#. TRANSLATORS: "Found" refers to one singular bug
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:764
msgid " (Found: %s)"
msgstr " (Hittade: %s)"

#. TRANSLATORS: "Fixed" refers to one singular bug
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:766
msgid " (Fixed: %s)"
msgstr " (Tillrättade: %s)"

#. TRANSLATORS: "Merged" refers to one singular bug
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:770 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:927
msgid "   Merged with:"
msgstr "   Sammanslagen med:"

#. TRANSLATORS: %{nbugs} is the number of bugs found for package %{packg}.
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:785
msgid "%{packg}(%{nbugs} bug)"
msgid_plural "%{packg}(%{nbugs} bugs)"
msgstr[0] "%{packg}(%{nbugs} fel)"
msgstr[1] "%{packg}(%{nbugs} fel)"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:792
msgid ""
" "
msgstr ""
" "

#. TRANSLATORS: this is a summary description of the structure of a table (for accessibility)
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:805
msgid "The top row describes the meaning of the columns; the other rows describe bug reports, one per row"
msgstr "Den översta raden beskriver kolumnens betydelse; de andra raderna beskriver felrapporter, en per rad"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:810 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:921
msgid "package"
msgstr "paket"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:811
msgid "version change"
msgstr "versionsförändring"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:812 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:922
msgid "severity"
msgstr "allvarlighetsgrad"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:813 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:920
msgid "bug number"
msgstr "felnummer"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:814
msgid "description"
msgstr "beskrivning"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:832 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:835
msgid "Relevant bugs for your upgrade"
msgstr "Relevanta fel för din uppgradering"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:836
msgid "by apt-listbugs"
msgstr "av apt-listbugs"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:866
msgid "Failed to invoke browser."
msgstr "Kunde inte köra webbläsare."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:923
msgid "category of bugs"
msgstr "felkategori"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:924
msgid "tags"
msgstr "taggar"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:956 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1044 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1253
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Klar"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:968
msgid "Not Implemented"
msgstr "Inte implementerad"

#. TRANSLATORS: this sentence, followed by the translation of "Done" (see above) should fit in less than 79 columns to work well with default width terminals
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:990 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:996 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1041 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1044
msgid "Retrieving bug reports..."
msgstr "Hämtar felrapporter..."

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:999 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1011 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1023
msgid " Fail"
msgstr " Misslyckades"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1001
msgid "HTTP GET failed"
msgstr "HTTP GET misslyckades"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1003 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1015 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1033
msgid "Retry downloading bug information?"
msgstr "Försöka hämta felinformationen på nytt?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1004 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1016 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1034
msgid "One package at a time?"
msgstr "Ett paket i sänder?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1005 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1017 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1035
msgid "One bug report at a time?"
msgstr "En felrapport i sänder?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1008 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1020 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1038
msgid "Exiting with error"
msgstr "Avslutar med fel"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1008 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1020 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1038
msgid "Continue the installation anyway?"
msgstr "Fortsätt med installationen ändå?"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1013
msgid "Empty stream from SOAP"
msgstr "Tom ström från SOAP"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1025
msgid "Error retrieving bug reports from the server with the following error message:"
msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av felrapporter från servern, följande felmeddelande lämnades:"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1028
msgid "It appears that your network connection is down. Check network configuration and try again"
msgstr "Det verkar som om din nätverksanslutning inte fungerar. Kontrollera nätverksinställningarna och försök igen"

#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1030
msgid "It could be because your network is down, or because of broken proxy servers, or the BTS server itself is down. Check network configuration and try again"
msgstr ""
"Det kan bero på att din nätverksanslutning inte fungerar, på grund av en trasig proxyserver eller på grund av att felhanteringssystemet (BTS) är oåtkomligt. Kontrollera nätverksinställningarna och "
"försök igen"

#. TRANSLATORS: this sentence, followed by the translation of "Done" (see above) should fit in less than 79 columns to work well with default width terminals
#: ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1219 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1239 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1252 ../lib/aptlistbugs/logic.rb:1253
msgid "Parsing Found/Fixed information..."
msgstr "Tolkar hittad/tillrättad information..."

#~ msgid "   <num>   - query the specified bug number (requires reportbug).\n"
#~ msgstr "   <num>     - fråga efter det angivna felnumret (använder reportbug).\n"

#~ msgid "     w     - display bug lists in HTML (uses %s).\n"
#~ msgstr "     w       - visa fellistan i HTML (använder %s).\n"

#~ msgid " -C <apt.conf>    : apt.conf file to use.\n"
#~ msgstr " -C <apt.conf>    : Ange apt.conf som ska användas.\n"

#~ msgid "Bug reports which are marked as %s in the bug tracking system"
#~ msgstr "Felrapporter markerade som %s i felhanteringssystemet"

#~ msgid "Bug reports"
#~ msgstr "Felrapporter"

#~ msgid "Package upgrade information in question"
#~ msgstr "Paketets uppgraderingsinformation i fråga"

#~ msgid "unfixed"
#~ msgstr "inte åtgärdad"

#~ msgid "tagged as pending a fix"
#~ msgstr "markerad som vilande med lagning"

#~ msgid "W: sanity check failed: environment variable http_proxy is set and soap_use_proxy is not 'on'."
#~ msgstr "V: självkontroll misslyckades: miljövariabeln http_proxy existerar men soap_use_proxy är inte satt till \"on\"."

#~ msgid "%s(%d bug)"
#~ msgid_plural "%s(%d bugs)"
#~ msgstr[0] "%s(%s fel)"
#~ msgstr[1] "%s(%s fel)"

#~ msgid "Reading package fields..."
#~ msgstr "Läser paketfält..."

#~ msgid "Reading package status..."
#~ msgstr "Läser paketstatus..."

#~ msgid "in the bug tracking system</caption>"
#~ msgstr "i felhanteringssystemet</caption>"

#~ msgid "%s(%s bugs)"
#~ msgstr "%s(%s fel)"

#~ msgid " -f               : Retrieve bug reports from BTS forcibly.\n"
#~ msgstr " -f               : Hämta felrapporter från BTS (tvingad).\n"

#~ msgid "Package '%s' is newly installed, ignored"
#~ msgstr "Paketet \"%s\" är nyligen installerat, ignorerar"

#~ msgid "<html><head><title>critical bugs for your upgrade</title><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=#{Locale::LangInfo.langinfo(Locale::LangInfo::CODESET)}\"></head><body>"
#~ msgstr "<html><head><title>kritiska fel för din uppgradering</title><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"></head><body>"

#~ msgid " --indexdir       : Directory where index.db located [%s]\n"
#~ msgstr " --indexdir       : Katalog där index.db finns [%s]\n"

#~ msgid " -c <dir>         : Specify cache_dir [%s].\n"
#~ msgstr " -c <mapp>         : Ange cache_dir [%s].\n"

#~ msgid " -t <minutes>     : Specify cache expire timer in minutes"
#~ msgstr " -t <minuter>     : Ange utgångstid för cachen, i minuter"

#~ msgid "Error retrieving bug reports"
#~ msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av felrapporter"

#~ msgid " -l               : Show bugs already existed in your system.\n"
#~ msgstr " -l               : Visa fel som redan finns på ditt system.\n"

#~ msgid "Retrieving release-critical bug reports..."
#~ msgstr "Hämtar rapport över kritiska fel i utgåvan..."

#~ msgid "Retrieving extra bug reports..."
#~ msgstr "Hämtar extra felrapporter..."

#~ msgid "Newly installation package '%s' ignored"
#~ msgstr "Nyligen installerat paket '%s' ignorerad"

#~ msgid " -R               : Use Release-Critical bug reports\n"
#~ msgstr " -R               : Använd Release-Critical buggrapporter\n"

#~ msgid "can't be used -s and -R together"
#~ msgstr "kan inte använda -s och -R tillsammans"

#~ msgid "Too many errors while retrieving bug reports"
#~ msgstr "För många fel inträffade när buggrapporterna hämtades"

#~ msgid "Bugs of the following packages couldn't be fetched:"
#~ msgstr "Buggar av de följande paket kunde inte hämtas:"

#~ msgid "Assuming that there are no grave bugs in these packages."
#~ msgstr "Antar att det inte finns några buggar för dessa paket."

#~ msgid "Are you sure"
#~ msgstr "Är du säker"

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