
On 1/3/19 6:57 PM, David Prévot wrote:
> Le 04/01/2019 à 12:50, Kunal Mehta a écrit :
>> This patch adds overrides for all symfony/polyfill-* packages to
>> pkg-php-tools itself, so all packages will automatically use it and no
>> longer automatically depend upon php-symfony-polyfill-* (and will cover
>> all current dependencies).
> Overrides can be added “locally” (for the build, in
> debian/pkg-php-tools-overrides, see e.g. twig). Anyway, this is not the
> only needed step, see below.

Right. Are you saying you'd rather have the overrides in the individual
packages instead of in pkg-php-tools? I'm happy to prepare patches (and
NMUs if necessary) either way, but I think we still need a pkg-php-tools
patch to support dropping the version constraint, which is included in
my current merge request.

>> And this one drops php-symfony-polyfill-* build deps that I don't see
>> why they were required in the first place.
> You also (rightfully) changed the autoload files. It’s not “just” a
> matter of removing the (build-)dependencies.

Ack, I just wrote the commit message before I realized those also needed
to be removed.

-- Kunal

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