Control: tag -1 + moreinfo

Adding a bit more info on this.

As one of QEMU developers puts this:

 this bu is probably "we don't work on armv5 hardware" -- likely we're assuming 
nonaligned accesses are sane
 ISTR there's a kernel config thing for "fix up misaligned accesses", which 
should be flippable to make it work
 get your bug reporter to check what they have /proc/cpu/alignment set to
 it should be '2' IMHO, which makes it fix things up
 this will not run at all fast, of course, because it's trapping to the kernel 
for unaligned accesses,
 but then the hardware is ancient anyhow
 alternative 2 is to get something more modern that's at least armv6

Please take a look!



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