On 2019-01-03 me <eysnbe...@liwest.at> wrote:
> Package: locate
> Version: 4.4.2-9+b1
> Severity: normal

> instead of including the paths handed over through --localpath, oder
> instead of following the paths edscribed in updatedb.conf, updatedb
> produces an error, that the variable does not exist, or the switch in
> unkown.

> It DOES search my other hard disks, though, if I remove /media from
> the prunepaths.  Baiscally that was, what I wanted, so, if it is
> supposed to stay this way, man- pages need to be updated.


Could you please decribe exactly
* what you were trying to do
* what exactly you tried and
* quote any error messages?

Just to illustrate, --localpaths (note the "s"!) seems to work exactly
as described:
ametzler@argenau:~$ mkdir -p /tmp/include1 /tmp/include2 && touch 
/tmp/include1/fil1 /tmp/include2/file2
ametzler@argenau:~$ locate --database=/tmp/foo.db '*'

cu Andreas

`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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