Control: reassign -1 pmix Control: tags -1 + patch Boud Roukema, le mer. 02 janv. 2019 15:27:11 +0100, a ecrit: > [exodar:00753] PMIX ERROR: INIT in file > ../../../../../../src/mca/gds/ds12/gds_dstore.c at line 1030
Actually this is inside pmix. It's trying to use pthread_mutexattr_setpshared, which is actually not supported. I have pushed patches into glibc to make autoconf avoid them. Now, we get to another issue: [hurd:09500] PMIX ERROR: UNREACHABLE in file ../../../../../../src/mca/ptl/tcp/ptl_tcp_component.c at line 1619 [hurd:09505] OPAL ERROR: Unreachable in file ext2x_client.c at line 109 and with some more debugging flags: [hurd:10185] pmix: recv_connect_ack could not setsockopt SO_RCVTIMEO It seems that recv_connect_ack tests for getsockopt returning ENOPROTOOPT: if (0 != getsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void*)&save, &sz)) { if (ENOPROTOOPT == errno || EOPNOTSUPP == errno) { sockopt = false; } but not for setsockopt returning ENOPROTOOPT. In the attached patch I have fixed it, and then mpirun works fine on GNU/Hurd. Samuel