Package: src:bali-phy Version: 3.4+dfsg-1 Severity: important Hi!
I've been doing a full rebuild of the Debian archive, building all source packages targeting armel and armhf using arm64 hardware. We are planning in future to move all of our 32-bit armel/armhf builds to using arm64 machines, so this rebuild is to identify packages that might have problems with this configuration. I've tried to build bali-phy for armhf on top of arm64, and it's failing a test at the end of the build: ... dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=meson cd obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf && LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 ninja test [1/4] Generating git-version.h with a custom command. [1/2] Running all tests. 1/30 bali-phy version OK 0.04 s 2/30 bali-phy help OK 0.04 s 3/30 bali-phy 5d test OK 3.61 s 4/30 bali-phy 5d +A 50 OK 17.14 s 5/30 bali-phy 5d -A 200 FAIL 7.87 s (exit status 1) 6/30 model_P --help OK 0.04 s 7/30 statreport --help OK 0.03 s 8/30 stats-select --help OK 0.04 s 9/30 alignment-gild --help OK 0.01 s 10/30 alignment-consensus --help OK 0.01 s 11/30 alignment-max --help OK 0.01 s 12/30 alignment-chop-internal --help OK 0.03 s 13/30 alignment-indices --help OK 0.01 s 14/30 alignment-info --help OK 0.01 s 15/30 alignment-cat --help OK 0.01 s 16/30 alignment-translate --help OK 0.02 s 17/30 alignment-find --help OK 0.02 s 18/30 trees-consensus --help OK 0.02 s 19/30 tree-mean-lengths --help OK 0.01 s 20/30 mctree-mean-lengths --help OK 0.01 s 21/30 trees-to-SRQ --help OK 0.01 s 22/30 pickout --help OK 0.01 s 23/30 cut-range --help OK 0.01 s 24/30 trees-distances --help OK 0.01 s 25/30 alignment-thin --help OK 0.01 s 26/30 alignments-diff --help OK 0.01 s 27/30 tree-tool --help OK 0.01 s 28/30 alignment-distances --help OK 0.01 s 29/30 subsample --help OK 0.02 s 30/30 bali-phy testsuite OK 272.10 s Ok: 29 Expected Fail: 0 Fail: 1 Unexpected Pass: 0 Skipped: 0 Timeout: 0 The output from the failed tests: 5/30 bali-phy 5d -A 200 FAIL 7.87 s (exit status 1) --- command --- /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/../examples/sequences/5S-rRNA/5d.fasta --iter=200 --package-path=/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/builtins:/<<PKGBUILDDIR>> -Inone --- stdout --- T:topology ~ uniform on tree topologies T:lengths ~ iid[num_branches[T],gamma[0.5,div[2,num_branches[T]]]] Partition P1: file = /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/../examples/sequences/5S-rRNA/5d.fasta alphabet = DNA subst = tn93 (S1) indel = none scale ~ gamma[0.5,2] (Scale1) Substitution model S1 priors: tn93:kappaPur ~ log_normal[log[2],0.25] tn93:kappaPyr ~ log_normal[log[2],0.25] tn93:pi ~ dirichlet_on[letters[@a],1] Beginning pre-burnin: 3 iterations. Start #1 prior = 2.85078 likelihood = -1171.56 |T| = 0.468531 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 0.80032 Tree (S)ize #1 prior = 2.21294 likelihood = -1097.14 |T| = 0.448637 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 1.30021 Tree (S)ize #2 prior = -13.3031 likelihood = -1001.31 |T| = 0.572728 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 16.6362 Tree (S)ize #3 prior = -12.5843 likelihood = -999.563 |T| = 0.738133 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 18.3298 (S)+Branch (L)engths #1 prior = -8.39757 likelihood = -984.367 |T| = 1.63073 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 6.22256 (S)+Branch (L)engths #2 prior = -15.5928 likelihood = -943.676 |T| = 3.95652 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 13.9505 (S)+Branch (L)engths #3 prior = -6.1693 likelihood = -933.719 |T| = 1.54154 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 6.65305 (S)+(L)+(P)arameters #1 prior = -6.85447 likelihood = -820.042 |T| = 0.83291 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 7.19549 (S)+(L)+(P)arameters #2 prior = -13.9795 likelihood = -804.932 |T| = 2.52913 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 14.9393 (S)+(L)+(P)arameters #3 prior = -14.8455 likelihood = -804.004 |T| = 1.78642 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 11.4421 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #1 prior = -14.7193 likelihood = -800.519 |T| = 1.80833 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 11.1644 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #2 prior = -14.8403 likelihood = -794.947 |T| = 1.29684 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 8.27748 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #3 prior = -18.6064 likelihood = -794.606 |T| = 1.68838 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 6.26695 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #4 prior = -17.5519 likelihood = -796.853 |T| = 1.68336 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 5.20335 SPR #1 prior = -17.4975 likelihood = -795.163 |T| = 1.47967 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 4.62688 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #1 prior = -14.4695 likelihood = -797.104 |T| = 1.03049 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 4.62992 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #2 prior = -17.9617 likelihood = -791.809 |T| = 2.04283 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 8.75168 (S)+(L)+(P)+NNI #3 prior = -17.1506 likelihood = -788.311 |T| = 0.917332 |A| = 110 Scale1*|T| = 8.90935 Finished pre-burnin in 0.26 seconds. BAli-Phy does NOT detect how many iterations is sufficient: You need to monitor convergence and kill it when done. Maximum number of iterations set to 200. Beginning MCMC computations. - Future screen output sent to '5d-1/C1.out' - Future debugging output sent to '5d-1/C1.err' - Sampled trees logged to '5d-1/C1.trees' - Sampled alignments logged to '5d-1/C1.P<partition>.fastas' - Run info written to '5d-1/' - Sampled numerical parameters logged to '5d-1/C1.log' You can examine 'C1.log' using BAli-Phy tool statreport (command-line) or the BEAST program Tracer (graphical). See the manual at for further information. --- stderr --- Home directory '/sbuild-nonexistent' does not exist! Partition #1: 126 columns -> 110 unique patterns. Created directory '5d-1/' for output files. bali-phy: Error! move = sampler submove = tree move = tree submove = topology move = topology submove = SPR move = SPR submove = SPR_all [single] move = SPR_all bool sample_SPR_search_one(Parameters&, MCMC::MoveStats&, const tree_edge&, const spr_range&, bool)int choose_MH(int, const std::vector<T>&) [with F = log_double_t]: No option chosen! (current = 0) *log(Pr[0]) = nan log(Pr[1]) = nan log(Pr[2]) = nan /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN16choose_exceptionI12log_double_tEC2EiRKSt6vectorIS0_SaIS0_EE+0xccb) [0xc09a3c] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_Z9choose_MHI12log_double_tEiiRKSt6vectorIT_SaIS2_EE+0xa0d) [0xc3ecce] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_Z21sample_SPR_search_oneR10ParametersRN4MCMC9MoveStatsERK9tree_edgeRKSt3mapIS4_bSt4lessIS4_ESaISt4pairIS5_bEEEb+0x513) [0xc7ceb4] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_Z21sample_SPR_search_oneR10ParametersRN4MCMC9MoveStatsERK9tree_edgeb+0x3d) [0xc7dc86] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_Z14sample_SPR_allR9owned_ptrI5ModelERN4MCMC9MoveStatsE+0x7b) [0xc7e78c] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC10SingleMove7iterateER9owned_ptrI5ModelERNS_9MoveStatsEi+0x39) [0xc01c76] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC9MoveGroup7iterateER9owned_ptrI5ModelERNS_9MoveStatsEi+0x43) [0xc01d80] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC9MoveGroup7iterateER9owned_ptrI5ModelERNS_9MoveStatsEi+0x43) [0xc01d80] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC9MoveGroup7iterateER9owned_ptrI5ModelERNS_9MoveStatsEi+0x43) [0xc01d80] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC9MoveGroup7iterateER9owned_ptrI5ModelERNS_9MoveStatsEi+0x43) [0xc01d80] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_ZN4MCMC7Sampler2goER9owned_ptrI5ModelEiiRSo+0x2ab) [0xc03818] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(_Z11do_samplingRKN5boost15program_options13variables_mapER9owned_ptrI5ModelElRSoRKSt6vectorISt8functionIFvRKS5_lEESaISE_EE+0xa2f) [0xcbfe68] /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-arm-linux-gnueabihf/src/bali-phy(main+0x1b31) [0xb99f5a] /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ [0xf6cef4e4] ------- In fact, checking I can see that the buildd arm-arm-01 (also an arm64 host configured to build armhf) fails in the same way. See for the build log. Oddly, I'm not seeing any similar problems building/testing for armel on top of arm64... -- System Information: Debian Release: 9.6 APT prefers stable-updates APT policy: (500, 'stable-updates'), (500, 'stable-debug'), (500, 'stable') Architecture: amd64 (x86_64) Foreign Architectures: i386 Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores) Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)