Thanks for your bug report. I can confirm this issue, for instance by
running glitchpeg standalone:

usage: xscreensaver-getimage-file [--verbose] directory-or-feed-url

       Prints the name of a randomly-selected image file.  The directory
       is searched recursively.  Images smaller than 255x255 are excluded.

       The directory may also be the URL of an RSS/Atom feed.  Enclosed
       images will be downloaded and cached locally.

glitchpeg: unable to read

Best regards,

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 3:45 PM Francesco Potortì wrote:
> Even though I have this in my ~/.xscreensaver:
> grabDesktopImages:  True
> grabVideoFrames:    False
> chooseRandomImages: False
> imageDirectory:
> xscreensaver gives an error saying that xscreensaver-getimage-file
> cannot find the image directory.
> P.S. is this package still maintained?  I see lots of very old bugs, one
> from 2001...

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